“All my life I had been chasing success, but here I was – with 38 – and had no idea when I will ever work again.”
This episode is the second part of the interview with Tomi Kaukinen, a Finnish start-up entrepreneur who shares in a very open and personal way how he experienced a burn-out in 2017, after his company successfully expanded from Finland over Spain to Asia.
In 2018 he started talking about this dark period of his life in public – when burn-out and depression in the working world were still a taboo topic.
Nowadays he shares both – his experience in creating a successful start-up and his insights from overcoming the burn-out – with young founders and entrepreneurs under his mission “Licence to fail”. (https://licenceto.fail/)
In plus of that, he is creating educational and entertaining content – and very recently produced and published a documentary about the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, that you can watch for free on youtube (“Nietzsche in Sils Maria” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYr1zADtNuo&feature=youtu.be).
If you have ever needed an inspirational impulse to think about the meaning of your life – this documentary is my absolute personal recommendation for you!
If you want to connect directly with Tomi, you can find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomikaukinen/
I would be happy to support you in your skillful self-presentation and showing your true, authentic self to a company! Therefore, this podcast is based on three pillars:
· Self-confidence & self-esteem
· Managing your emotions
· Concrete communication techniques based on NLP
And in each episode, you will hear about one of them. – Subscribe to not miss any important points!
If you don’t want to miss the coming episodes – then following me on LinkedIn (Michaela Kettner) or Instagram (@michaela.kettner.fi).
Keywords: Skillful self-presentation, Successful career, fulfilling career, important for career, successful in my job, self-confidence, entrepreneur, founding a start-up, burn-out, depression, personal crisis, existential crisis, meaning of life, Friedrich Nietzsche, philosophy